Die kleine Hexe – Trailer

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Soon it will be Walpurgis Night, the night when all the witches meet on Blocksberg to dance around the big fire. But the little witch is not allowed to take part because she is too young to take the witch test. Nevertheless, she decides to fly secretly to Blocksberg and join in the celebrations. Unfortunately, she is discovered by the witch Rumpumpel and dragged before the throne of the head witch. Although she expects to be severely punished, she gets off lightly. She only has to hand in her broom and walk home. The head witch even allows her to take the exam the next year. On the day of the exam, however, the little witch gets a surprise. But as the saying goes: He who laughs last laughs best – this also applies to witches, even if they are small.

Gregor Juon

Vincenzo Biagi
Richard Bucher
Ulrike Cziesla
Corina Good
Bigna Körner
Karin Moser
Bella Neri
Philippe Roussel
Nico Savary Bahl
Kurt Schrepfer
Gabriela Steinmann
Erich Vock

Max Röthlisberger