Pippi in Taka-Tuka-Land – Trailer

Pippi Longstocking, with her monkey Mr Nilsson and horse Little Uncle in the Villa Kunterbunt, is visited by a man in a black suit who wants to buy the house. After the policeman confirms that Pippi is the rightful owner, the man leaves. Captain Longstocking comes to visit and plans to take Pippi to the South Sea island of Taka-Tuka. Pippi persuades Tommy and Annika’s parents to accompany her. So begins an adventurous time on Taka-Tuka.

Gregor Juon

Ramona Fattini
Ronja Hasslinger
Bettina Kuhn
Leonie Palmer
Natalie Welti
Daniel Bill
Stephan Luethy
Thomas Meienberg
Rafael Luca Oliveira
Hubert Spiess

Simon Schmidmeister